Monday 13 August 2012

More family dynamics...

My grandparents brought my mother up with a belief system of strong moral values that was most probably formed by their Christian religion. Before my parents got married, they dated and moved in together – a step that my grandparents did not approve of. My parents loved each other but were forced by my mother’s parents to get married because they lived together. They were happy to get married but would have probably waited another while before taking the ‘big step’.  They experienced many ups and downs of which the rest of my family could confirm.

They are happy today but I will never understand how living together, keeping in mind how immoral it was according to my grandparents, could make one force one’s child to get married. How can one decide the fate of one’s child so blindly .What if their marriage didn’t work out? Who would be to blame for the pain caused? I’m very happy for my parents, against all odds including the high percentage of failed marriages, they are still going strong.

Their marriage teaches me that when the going gets tough, you don’t just give up on the one’s you love and made a promise to, even if it was many years ago.

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