Sunday 26 August 2012

Project: Where do I come from

The process...

1. I structured the jersey with wire by feeding it from top to bottom

 2. I attatched a stand to the ends of the wire


 3. I hardened the jerey with a homemade fabric hardener mix - white glue, water and cornstrarch

 4. I cut out a few butterflies :)

 5. Attached it to another wire structure



My final handywork :)

The story behind my project piece

Sadly the first memory that comes to mind of my deceased grandfather: him watching the 7 o’clock Afrikaans news on SABC2 and swearing at every person of colour appearing on the screen. I could never understand the relation between Christian values and racism of the Apartheids years. My piece: A jersey of my grandfather hardened with white butterflies swarming out. The hardness could be symbolic for the way of thought and his way of expressing it. The jersey could be symbolic for a cocoon where specifically white butterflies emerges – a depiction of me not wanting to be formed by the Afrikaner/Apartheid way of disgrace – the butterflies being a symbol of new life and the whiteness of peace.

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